Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Gift Card

On January 4th, I received a gift card for the grocery store in the mail. There was a card with it, but it didn't say who it was from. Looked at the front. Whoever sent it had typed my name and address. No handwriting anywhere. Oh, I asked around but not too much.
Because someone wanted to remain anonymous, and I wanted to respect that.
Had to go to the store that night. Was starting school the next day, the 5th. I thought, "I'll wait until everything is on sale to use it." But then I thought, "No, someone sent this to me to use," so the night of the 4th, I started to use it.
And I got this feeling at the store, a feeling that, well, someone was thinking of me but also a feeling of momentum, like I was heading in the right direction, what with starting classes the next day for web design.
Nudged. That's it. Like someone was giving me a little nudge, a little push.
I used the last of the card tonight. When I mentioned the story of the gift card to the cashier, she said that happened to her once. And she had a story, too, about her gift card coming when she needed it most. She got a little teary-eyed recalling it.
Then she said, "You know what? I pray that they get it back tenfold." And I said, yeah, so do I.
Someone wants to remain anonymous, and so someone shall. But I did, and do, say a prayer of thanks and blessings for that person. And I felt a fullness as I said my prayer because I know that it reached that person. How do I know?
Well, it's kind of like asking, How does aspirin know where to go?
It goes everywhere.

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