Monday, June 1, 2009

The Oracle rates The Taking of Pelham 123

The Oracle here at Robert Folsom Writes knows you don't have to see a movie to rate it. All you have to do is watch the trailer.

3 out of 5 subway cars for The Taking of Pelham 123, coming out June 12. Denzel Washington is the ordinary-guy dispatcher taking on John Travolta as the mastermind subway hijacker.
Director Tony Scott's slick remake — usually called an "updating" these days — will not improve on the 1974 version, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, which had Walter Matthau's ordinary-guy dispatcher matching wits with Robert Shaw as the mastermind behind the hijacking of Pelham 123. The gritty '74 version has tension with a humorous ending. Slick 2009 loses out to gritty 1974. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. The only part of this film I'm going to enjoy is watching Travolta's neck tat fry on the third rail.
